Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Osama Killed, Go Alert RI

JAKARTA - The death of Osama Bin Laden, the man considered responsible behind the suicide attacks 11 September 2001 in New York, United States, seems to make a number of countries to increase guard. No exception Indonesian government, which now is indeed the middle of war with acts of local terrorism.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Djoko Suyanto claimed to hold impromptu meetings in the office of three ministries in Jakarta Monday afternoon. "It's nothing, it's because we own the middle against acts of attack terrorism," said Djoko told Compass Calling time on Monday (02/05/2011) last evening.

However, when  whether the presence of instruction increased vigilance in post-death of Osama bin Laden leader Al Qaeda because Osama's death does not mean the death of beliefs and attitudes also radicalism of the perpetrators of terrorism, Djoko did not want to answer.

Therefore, the results of the meeting the political, legal, and security, the institute issued a number of instructions. "Not just to all security forces and intelligence to further raise awareness and anticipation of all possibilities that could happen, but also to the community," said Djoko.

Djoko admitted to invite the entire community to cooperate with security forces and intelligence in order to raise awareness together.
"Do not get us all off guard," said Djoko.

The meeting was attended by a number of military and civilian officials related to political, legal, and security, ranging from Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Minister of the Interior Gamawan Fauzi, Armed Forces Commander Admiral Agus Suhartono, Chief of Police of the RI General (Pol) Pradopo East, and Head of Intelligence Agency State (BIN), General Sutanto, to other relevant officials.

"Anyway, our vigilance must be increased," said Djoko.

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